Thursday, April 22, 2010

Best week EVER!

Good day all, as the title above notes, this has been one of my best weeks ever!(even though it started out with me raking doggie doo!)(but only on monday,)(hi Lyn!) Unfortunately for you, we're still on last weeks blog,(although we'll still try to make it intresting, o.k.?)(O.k.!) So this week I'll write about last week, then next week, I'll get to this week,(or I could try to slipp in a week an a half, then we'll all catch up quicker!)
The banner shot is of one of my lost, then found golf balls, remember last blog when I was telling you of my half golf game, half easter egg hunt thingy? Well I had placed three styro foam targets out in the alfalfa field behind my trailer, and started hitting balls out at them,(its been awhile you know,) Now the plan was to hit about 10 balls at the first target, then find them all, chip to within ten feet of target one, then hit all ten balls to target two. Lets just say after the long, long, cold, winter...well to be fair I can't be sure how many balls I started off I can't for sure say exactly how many I lost...but it wasn't pretty! I hit at least 12 balls, it was down to about 8 by the time I was off to the second hole, then 6. I did find most of them later, one was down a gopher hole, and as you can see from the banner, they kind of disapear! I have since refined the game,(see bottem of blogg...or better yet, just read your way down there!) and now I hit only one ball at a time, its much easier to remember witch mole hill your ball is hidden behind if you only hit one at at time.
Not sure why this pictures in here, except I'm a man,(damit!)and I think it looks cool! Saddly my fridges looks way differnt now.(yeah, a differnt brand of beer was on super sale, oh and I got two jars of pickles, plus a loaf of bread in there. Fret not, theres still plenty of room for beer.)
Well I'm sure your all wondering, my Mom and her classic country station were right. We got the snow! Unfortunately, along with the snow came 90kmph winds!(not just gusts either, it was like 4 days of 70-90kmph winds, crazy!) Its no joke to say Sask. got our snow, they did. What little snow we got was all piled next to fences, in huge drifts. The second shot is of my Moms front steps, and front doggie yard. One of her little poms ran up the snow bank, and over the other side,(to freedom!)then didn't know what to do, just kind of stood there with a dumb look on its face.(trust me, I know the feeling!)

If you notice all the black coal dust in the snow,(remember last blogg, I knew I was bringing up that dust for a reason!)that stuff really travels on a strong breeze!(in a land so windy as this, anything can be a breeze after 4 days!)
After the wind died down, we did get a bit of really wet snow, and look! green grass! this was taken in my front yard, not off gooogle. (of course now there is lots more, but lets just conentrate on last week, shall we?)

Last weekend,(see more last week stuff, this is easy if we try!) my Mom and I went to the 7th annual Log home and Cabin show, in the same place as the motor cycle show and the golf show, it may seem like I go to a lot of shows...(I guess I don't have a good answer to that one.) Any ways, this was a good show for anyone into wood,(wood is good!) The following is a trip down some of my favorite stuff there.
Shot number one; This one is of my Mom, sitting on a cool bench, with a neat draggon fly carved into it. The detail was burned into the wood. Bench, probably not confortable for too long, but left no splinters!

On to the second intresting thing. Did you know they insulate logs now? Well they do! There where three differnt examples of logs either hollowed out and insulation stuffed in, or logs split in half and sandwitched,(uuuuummmmmmm...sandwitched....)around a core of insulation. So the best of both worlds is achived!

This picture is of a mostly built log home in the center of the exibit hall.
Not much more to say about this one, I like it! Its imposing, very grandious, almost gothic.(hhhmmm, its getting windy here agien, might rain tonight, good thing we're still in last week, nice and sunny then, and hot too, 6 days in a row of over 20* , the last time that happend was in 1916, so thats nice, hold onto that then...)

This was another nice one, very symetrical. The cool thing about this one was, the inside was unfinished, what you see "through" the windows, is a sticker on the windows! Sweet! I need one of those for my truck, of a clean truck inside, or maybe a hot chick, so when I break down, maybe some one will stop for me instead of pretending to be on the phone and thinking I'm just parked looking at the dead weeds in the ditch!

Now this one I took because I really liked the double jointed hinge thing.(I'm note sure why, I know I had my reasons at the time...but...maybe it was the metal, or the medievil look about them? All I do know is if I had them, I'd pinch my fingers in there daily! Or that uncerimonial wack to the fore head when the second hindge opens when your only expecting the first! I don't know why I'd like such dangerous things, maybe I'll think about it...the next time I'm running with sicciors!

O.k., now were into the cool table section of the show, this is a piece of wood, that someone found, wiped the dirt off, varnished, stuck three(or four, I don't recall,)legs on, then tried to sell me for like 2 grand! I mean I do like the shape, and color, but I have varnish, and dirty wood so if I really had the room for such a thing, then I'd have to do it my self!

This next table is in the vain of "Punkys tree of woe"(editors note: see last Novembers Bloggs for details.) This is a upside down tree, cut flat, with a nice piece of glass, and a fat price tag to boot, don't these people realilize that people like me have more time then money, and will come to these shows to seal ideas. If I make this table, the most expencive part will be the ticket to get into the show to steal the idea to make this table,(well that and parking!)

I really like the look of this dresser, I like the differnt colors all blending together(just like those Benetton ads!...go ahead and gooogle it, its under united colors of Benetton, me its real!... ah never mind.) I dont care for all the cutsie crap on the top, or the sticks for handles, but for the over all I like it!

The bed, what can I say about the reminds me of the bed in the corner of the old hunters cabin, you know the one, where the young couple gets lost in the woods, and they stop to asks for a phone, and its like, "No man, don't go in there." But they go in any ways, and he's like chopped up right aways, and stuffed in a old gas powered frige or somthing, and shes chained to the bed for like 3 years untill she dies baring his monsterous offspring...ahhh...maybe you didn't see that movie...nice bed...very the rustic feel...oh com'on you had to have seen that movie, its on every weekend in some form or another, about 3am.

O.k. last shot from the Log cabin show, then we can get on to the "Gopher golf" segment!(for those of you who havent already skipped ahead that is.) This one I like for the "opppps" factor alone.(I mean I like it for the art reason too, and cause its very Canadian etc. but for dramatic effect, we'll focus on the "opppps" factor for now.) Like lets say Micholageo here sneezes while he chiseling(?)(chainsawing?) this little beavers nose. "Opppps" Now what? "O.K. Boys, we're gonna need you to move this wall back 2 feet agien...Sorry, my bad." Or maybe they didn't trim the ones above, so like he could just cut the broken beaver off and carve a chipmonk, scampering up the side of the house, and if that got messed up, maybe an wise old owl on the top log or somthing? Agien all the black was burned on.

All righty then, time for Gopher golf! This is for all those who are missing the "fuzzy creatures on the ground below" bit. Its been quite some times since I got a good shot of a bunny or rodent of some kind.(and this one hardly qualifies as good, but gophers are a lot harder to shoot then some semi-tame course bunny, probaly cause they get shot at for real or somthing.)

I decided I needed some flags for my back yard "course", you know to make it feel more real. Hitting to a vague target over there some where, was just not cutting it. So in my DIY style, I made some flags. The bodies are straping and the flags are Tyvek home wrap,(I had a home rap once, my DJ got drive by'ed with a nail gun from a white cube van!)(sorry, it was funny in my head.) held on with that red tape stuff. I think after the flags are lost in the next area tornado, the red tape will still be fine. Great stuff, I should have made the whole flag out of it, but its hard to paint! Speaking of paint, I went with the ground marker orange, to bad it was almost empty, but the black stripes cover the gaps nicely.

Remember a while back, when Punky was pulling the old boat behind his pickup? Well after the boat was totaled, some how it ended up behind our place. Now enter the crazy wind phaze, and the boat is out in my course! Must have flew over 65 feet! So now instead of a water hazard, well you get the idea.
One of the cool features about the Tyvek flags is like on the moon, they stand stiff, even with no breeze.(when is there no breeze here?) So the stripy flag is tee box #1 and hole #3 all in one. I just play one ball at a time now, and the last time I was out, with my Mom,(she said she shot a 12, but with no score card, its hard to tell if thats a good round or not.) I found 2 extra balls on the first hole!(only problem is with no one else playing the course, the lost balls were mine to begin with, even my Mom would'nt lost a couple for me to find.)
I has named this sport gopher golf, and I really hope it helps my short game. If nothing else, I should be good from the rough!(the really, really rough, rough that is.)

If there must be a tip for today, let it be this. Let the industrial orange spray paint dry for at least a while longer before you try to jam the flags into the hard, hard ground. O.k., thats it for last week, cant wait for the next weeks blog to tell you about this week! Hope you have a great one, Later, DufferKev.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, the Log and Cottage show was great, also the shopping then after we came home, the gopher golf game!And the flags look so good. You are full of ideas and make them work!The snow on the deck was quite the drift cause the deck is 2 1/2 ft high. It melted fast though. Keep up the blogs. Look forward to next week's.
