Sunday, December 13, 2009


Well hello world! Seams I'm a week behind writing this blog again, you people really need to read faster, your a week behind already, I can only write these as fast as you read them you know, so keep up! hehehe. Speaking of a week ago, last blog, some jackass(most likely me!) was saying if only we had a foot of snow, he could stop thinking of golf all the time!(idiot!)Well he,(me), got his stupid wish, and we got it!(the snow that is, not the other wish, of the beer truck filled with dancing girls, and cheese products!)(hes a strange one that jackass!)Unfortunatly, the snow dose little to calm my unrulely golf desires,(espicelly with the every day Tiger Woods gossip, on every station, bombarding me with endless reminders that the worlds luckiest man will soon be able to play even more golf,(when hes single again that is!)) Around here, when it snows, there is usally a hard wind with it, so a few inches of snow will pile up to 3foot drifts over night!(and other spots are still bare ground, wierd.)

Here is a week old shot,(as this is last weeks blog, all news and pics. are a week old!)(read faster!)taken out my back door,(dew dew dew, snow drift out my back door!)as you can see, there is a 3ft. drift, next to the bare ground.

And a nice frosty tree shot!(with the bright, clear blue,(cold!)Alberta sky as the backdrop.)

Thankfully, I got most of the outside work done before"winter"hit.(wew!)I have been working mostly on the inside of the DufferDen, so have more stuff finished(and as youre still a week behind, even more stuff is done! boy you really got to keep up, I mean, Im writing as slow as I can!)I have finished the drywall,(in the back 2/3 of the trailer that is, Im doing it in chunks)(more affordable that way,)and have got the primer coat on, also have the first coat of white done on the wood parts. The more astute of you will notice the ugly color of the walls,(those of you with color monitors anyways,)and you might be thinkin"what kind of a moron would go through all of this trouble, just to paint it a crappy teal, off aqua puke kind of color like this?" Well, me thats who! oh, and this is only a half strengh primer coat, the real color is dark green, like it is now, but since your still a week behind, I guess you'll have to wait for next weeks blog to see the real color!)(Sorry for you!) The first two shots are of my puter room/office,(sounds better then the videogame/life wasting room, dosent it?)
And the next two are of my bedroom, and part of the hallway, on the right, you'll notice my new/newly installed back door,(dew dew dew...STOP IT! Freak! You dont have to sing CCR every time you say back door you know!)
Funny thing about the back door, it was too big for my(door)hole, I guess people have gotten bigger in the last 40 years. I had to cut off the bottem to make it fit, and it dose, but the problem is, now the handle is low. I guess I should have trimed off the top, or both, because I hate being too tall to reach my own knob!(hehehe! maybe thats just funny to my own brain!) Its no problem from the out side, cause I'll just open the door from the stairs, but I find myself bending to reach the knob,(still funny to me!)from the inside. Oh well, I'll just count it as excerise,(like if I do a sit up, in bed, then a bend, knob reach,(hehe!)to get outside, and a squat to pull my boots on, well that should keep me out of the gym, for like ever!)

Remember last blog, I said I'd show you all the Woodie shed, with its armor coating? Well the pictures pasted the censorship board, and here they are. The one on the right is a older shot, of warmer days, when the Woodie shed was wood!(and a shed.)

The shot on the left is the after shot, with the metal on,(and a coulpe of windows in,) Behind the shed is one of the Atco trailers, whitch was used as a dornor,(where we stoled the metal from!) The ground isnt that slopy, I just shot this leaning out my front door, holding the camera at arms lenth, to shoot around the door,(I think I'll count that as excerise too!) We still call it the Woodie shed,(the Steally shed sounds stupid!)because after its warmer,(insulated,etc.)we'll do wood work stuff in there, and thats where the wood is stored.(Luckly, I didn't change the door here, so I don't have to reach for the Woodie knob!)(Ok, thats the last one, I promise!) Here are three shots of the trees, just to finish us off. This is an afternoon shot of the hor(?) frost coverd branches,(not sure if its hor frost, or horror frost, or whore frost? ethier way it'd work!) the same thing happens to my beard, after about 30 seconds out side. I end up looking like poor Chewie here,(sure wish I had a lazer crossbow though, that would be cool!)(Then I could bullseye wamp rats, or somthing, Chewies even kind of got my haircut here too, although more(I hope,)back hair, I bet thats warm though huh? ummmmm, warm back hair, and a lazer cross bow? that sure is one lucky wookie!) Thats all for last weeks blog, see you next(this)week, try to keep up eh? Hope your all warm and happy! have a great week. Latter, FrozenKev!

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