Friday, November 20, 2009


Hey hey, every one, sorry its been so long since my last blog,(like almost a month!)but I have been busy!(like keeping 6 kittins off the table isnt a busy enough life!) This weekend promises to be justs as busy, so thought I'd at least start writing this morning. So, what have I been doing? whats up with the kitties? whats with the weird He-Man referneces? All will be told! O.k., as for the He-Man thing, I hooked up my power! so indeed "I have the Power!"(and of course with this victory, I assumed the classic He-Man pose, thrust my screwdriver high into the sky, and by the power of grey skull, I looked just like the hero of old!(except for the thinning hair, grey beard,& beer belly, of course, but its been like 30 yrs, I'll bet prince Adams traded in his six-pack for a keg by now too!)and turning to find mighty Battle-Cat...gone, all six kittins choose this moment to run away, quickly!(cowards!))
So in order to have power at my trailer, I had to run a trench to the dog house,(witch use to have power,)then hook my trailer into a splitter, then trench to the side of moms trailer, crawl underneith,(i got the privilege of crawling under all three trailers in the park, and my moms was the worsed! the axles are removed, sand piled under to reduce the cold, and tons of bugs!)and stick a fat wire through her floor, cut her main power, hook another splitter,(from her house to the dog house, from the dog house to my house,) turn on the main power and pray it all works!(witch it did!) Here is a shot of the inside of her wall, with a thisle plant growing
up through the hole in the floor, and up past the main power box.(had to have been at least 9 feet long, and never saw the sun in its whole life! weird!)

Here is a couple of almost finished shots, after the hooking up work was done!(ever try to stick a quarter into a dime slot? this was about as hard! the bigger the wire the harder it is to bend/stuff into the holeBut at the end of the day, all was working! On the left is a shot of the main power cable into my trailer.(Some of you may notice the trench, its suposed to be almost 3ft. deep, and it may not look like it is, but as any man will tell you, things look smaller when its cold out!)(thats my story and Im sticking to it!)

After I had power/lights/heat, I started the drywall prosess, witch really helps to make things feel like a house, instead of a 40yr. old trailer! Also helps drive home the fact that I've still got a long ways to go! I also hooked up my sewer, and water system. Here at the CommPomFarms trailer park, there is a well, but the water is too salty, so its undrinkable,(also the well is right next to the barnyard, so its doublely undrinkable now.) I burried a 240gal. tank, that is filled from a system in town that pipes fresh water out from Edmonton. After the tank is filled, the insulated line runs under my trailer to a jet pump, that presserizes the water before it gets into the trailer.
Here is the tank before it was buried, and the jet pump under the trailer, notice also the very sturdy skirting, with 2inch styro foam and 4x4's/landscape ties etc. in event of tornado, I'll be under my trailer, it'll be the last thing standing!

So on the day I(and my Mom went to get water, it was a clear, cool day of about +2, and I got a little wet when we took the tank to a local car wash to clean before use, no big deal the old truck has a good heater, so we fill the neibours tank first,(I also burried/hooked up her water and sewer system, just cause Im soooo nice!)then back for the second trip to fill mine. The water fill station has a big pipe with a hose on the end, hanging about 15ft. up.(for trucks to pull up undernieth and fill from above.) There is a pipe to connect the hose to the top of your tank,(helps to keep the water goning where you want in, in your tank!) On this attemp the hose/pipe suddenly seperate, and about 30gal. of barley above freezing water pours directly onto my crotch! Stunning! The best part was my Mom, who instead of hitting the off button, just stands there and giggles at me!(she laughed for about an hour after too!) So by the time I realilize whats happening, and what to do about it, ie. put the hose and pipe back together, the water stops,(you only get about 80 gal. for a $1 token,) Luckly for me we're only about 7min. from home and a hot shower. After I fill the tank, and we are testing the system, I got a small amount of revenge. The old trailer water lines had a few leaks. I had moved the bathroom sink, so had shutoff valves on the pipes, and while I was checking out the leaky kitchen sink, both of the stoppers blew off!(jet pump kicks ass! indeed.) So Shes got a finger stuck in each pipe, and waters spraying all over my new bedroom! Mom is yelling,"shut it off! Shut It Off! SHUT IT OFF! And Im running around the out side of the trailer to unplug the jet pump, before my drywall gets totaled.(Oh yeah, and before my Mom gets too soaked,) Too bad I didn't have the time to really enjoy her soaking, the way she got to enjoy mine!
I fianlly got my shower installed and hooked up...wait for it..."I have the Shower!"(this time Im holding a rubber ducky skyward, waring a bathrobe, and shower cap on my beard!) Today I'll have my bathroom sink installed, and hopefully the kitchen sink repaired, so will try the water system again.(just have to wait for my mom to get home first, hehehe!) Well thats about it from the land of the Duffer, will really try to blog again before a month passes, there is always sooo much to do around here, but will try to share the fun with you all. Oh, yeah, the kitties are getting really big, they are almost the same size as "momma cat" now, Stripe face cat, was remamed "Slice", and grey ghost, renamed to "Putter", so we may have to keep all six, since they all have golfing names now. Have a great week,(or month, depends how busy I stay,) DufferKev.

1 comment:

  1. Okay - still laughing! The funniest part was watching your face Kevin and when the realization hit that you were getting soaked! So now that your brother is here, surely he will plug the ends of pipes for youwith his fingers when you turn on your water again! You are right, there's never a shortage of work to do on the farm (and we don't even actively farm), but you have greatly impressed me with all you have done there!
