I hook up to my trailer, and gank it from its tree lined grave,(you remember gank, dont you, giant+yank=gank!) I should say the inside was/is in great shape, no mold, mildew, or dead mouse mummies,(you should see the ones I found in the bigger trailer I'm restoring, complete mouse mummies with full skeletons, and fur piles all around them! don't belive me? well I took a shot of one, just to show the likes of you! see, if you look close enough you can see it's little skull, ribcage, and backbone/tail.) No, the inside was pristien! The out side a disaster!(but not un-cleanable.) So I spent about an afternoon, plus next morning cleaning the outside, and changing the broken roof vents,(of course the second one was much easier to change then the first, why is that? I really still didn't know what I was doing for the second one either.) After hours of scrubbing, with every type of brush, and scouring pad I could find around the CommPomFarms, the results were stunning!
Here is a before and after of the back, before was taken at Gull Lake, and the after here at home.
And the front before and after aswell,(just thrown in for good measure!)
Unfortunatly, I am unable to show any pictures of the interior,(because of the super secert, sensitive, scientific equipment contained within, and stacks and stacks of Dharma Porn!, just kidding.)(Although the Dhama beer, and snacks are wonderful, after the peanut butter is empty, I plan on a Dharma sock 2000, just in case I'm stuck some where,(like a island)my socks will always be fresh and clean!)
My path now is clear, my mission, obvious, I am ment to continue the research into the superior golf exsistice, the "Birdie Zone" if you will. I must now travel the world,(Canada,) and seek out the true essence of the perfect golf experience! No small task, granted, but one worthy of a life long obsession. Unfortunently, I don't have the funding behind me, like the real Dharma has,(yes they still are around, just harder to find,) so if you feel the urge to donate to this worth while, and potentally earth shattering experiment, to quote Psycho
Mike-o from The Infectious Grooves/Suicidal Tendencies, "We take cash, we take checks, we'll even take your momma's dentures if they got gold in them!" Because, lets face it, towing this station around will be expencive, aswell, the price of golf is never cheap, and whats to become of me? Non-stop, indepth, mind altering, golf experimentation, will surly take its toll, on my mind, body, and soul. But this price I will gladly pay, for the betterment of all mankind, for with the discovery of unlimited golfing power, surely the planet will heal its self from all maner of conflict and strife!(the ultimate power struggle, and oil greed, will pale in comparison to this great acomplishment!)
Moving right along,(just as if I wasn't rambling for like the last 2 minutes, or something,)here is a shot from my Mom's cell phone, of this humble duffer, at the beer fest, notice the ramrod strait pinky finger, that is from years of being a tea tottler, while living in a english mannor house, back when I was known as "Lord DuffeKev", no, but very British of me none the less. Notice also the shit-eating-grin, thats from the other 17 beer I sampled before this shot! I think this beer was the Zeitgeist, see it is black like satan's semen, that DrunkKev, sure is a shrewd one.(Sure wish I'd listend to his advice on marrage, though, could have save all kinds of time/misery!)
About a month ago, one of the very tame yard cats gave birth,(probably the female one,)and the search has been sort of on for the kittens ever since. One day I spotted them playing in the sun, and snapped this shot of one of my faverites. Not sure if it's a boy, or girl, kitty but I'm calling it Bunker Kat,(like the sand bunkers from a golf course, cause its got one sandy paw, like it was in a bunker.) The first time I saw this little one,(with the other 4, we think,)with my Mom, the others were alright, but this one, reared back, and tried to hiss at us. It was soooo cute, cause it didn't know how, so it just went,"hthaa, hthiss, hathoo," at us, more of a perverts heavy breathing, then a scared/pissed off kitty. So right away, I like it's spirit, don't let not knowing how to do something(or even why you do somthing)stand in the way of it getting done! I might even move Bunker into my DufferDen,(when the trailers more re-stored, and it's bigger then the mice I expect it to eat,) but will have to see, I've had some great cats, and some I didn't care for much at all, so will wait a bit to see if we clash or not. In the mean time, do you want a cat? there are 3or4 to choose from, all little fluffy things, just looking for someone,(just like you!)to love them, and take them home before the expencive stuff starts! Thats it for now, hope youv'e enjoyed it, latter, DufferKev!
This could also be a Dharma cat! You did a spectacular job on the Birdie Station.
ReplyDeleteHey Mom, you must not have seen the "Lost" episoed where the Dharma team tried to time travel a fuzzy bunny, and it exploded! So for Bunkers sake, it's safer NOT to be a Dharma Kat! Thanks for the comment, latter DK