Friday, October 16, 2009

Have Den, Will Travel!

Good(Morning, Afternoon, or Night, just pick the greeting that applies to you,) hope everyones had a good week, wore off some of that turkey belly, got over the hoilday hang over, etc. Now for one of my favorite times of year, Halloween! Every thing is spooky cool! and there are lots of great movies on tv,(not to mention, the simpsons hell-o-ween, spooktacular marathon!) I like to think I keep a little halloween with me all year long! Then comes the low point of the hoilidaze, christmas! Malls full of over priced,(under built) trinkets, bought by weekend parents trying to buy a years worth of love, from kids who'd rather just be love all year anyways!(but this is only my opinion, if christmas still works for you, thats great! but why not be smart, and move it back like a week, then give bigger gifts after the mega sales! huh, good idea eh, sorry not mine, but still a good idea.)

Moved the DufferDen on thursday, and the WoodyShed aswell. I didn't move it, but was there and helped, i.e. crawl under stuff, hook the chain on stuff, move heavy stuff, go get stuff, etc. It was quite a day indeed. The day started early, with a fresh dusting of snow,(for the animals to play in, Carlin&Sam, show your dogs this picture, of Mago,the big furry one, Spotty, the smaller spoted one, and The Momma cat, all playing in the real dogs do,) First things first, have to clear the new spot. Now the most important thing to moven stuff,(or recking stuff for that matter,)is to know some one with a hoe,(and no, not a pimp!)and back hoe that is. Stuff will get moved! My new spot was inhabited by a old, falling apart redneck summer home,(camper)that had to be moved before I moved in. As you can see, it was not a problem to just get it gone! The banner shot is of the camper dissapearing into the back pasture, past the bored horse, and confused llama.(stupid llama, I had to chase it back in two times in three days! Nobody shaves it, nobody pets it, and nobody even looks at it...I wonder how llama tastes?) So the operator of the back hoe,(or hoe master,)(still not a pimp,) is my Mom's(sort of)borther in law. His name is...well everyone just calls him Punky. A few days after the move, I was driving by his place, and took these shots of the Tree of Woe, and the Bush of Death on the hyway side of his property,(and yes there up all year long, not just for Helloween,) If you notice, the trees are planted upside down, and the skulls are on the roots! Cool!(the stuff you can do with your own hoe!) To my eye, this is art, I seen art,(and more then just the naked stuff too!)and to be art, there has to be a meaning behind the whole thing,(no, cool is just not enough!)like how the giant corperation pisioned the water and all the cows died, and this was His silent protest ageinst the uncaring, faceless, earthkilling greed!(or somthing like that, in one of the shots that didn't make the cut, there is an old rusty water pump, repersenting the unuseable, death water,)(heavy stuff!)

So after the spot was cleared, it was time to move the DufferDen, and after a few more tire issues, the move rolled right along, smooth as a 40yr. old trailer, could be expected to anyways! And after a few twists and turns, and a couple tight places, the Den slid snugly into its new home! So now I have to skirt it, and have been working on the water, and sewer. The gas will be hooked up soon, and I've being digging a power trench,(a trench to put the power line in, that is, not a trench full of power,)(oh and my mom dug the part in the dog yard, with the dog poo, I don't do, dog poo, do you?) This may be a good time to tell you of the mistake in last weeks blog, I thought my trailer was 10x100 ft. but remember, I had just finished my ceiling in a very un-ventalated place, so may have been seeing double, or something. It is indeed 10ft. wide, but as my mom pointed out its 52ft. long. Then after looking at our marks painted on the ground, we decided to measure the darn thing, and get ready for it,(dum roll please!)its really 42ft6inches! SNUG!

After the trailer move, the little woodworking shed,(code named, The WoodyShed) was the next to find its new home. The snow had been melting all day, and the hoe was slipping all over the place, till Punky scraped it all away, to get some good traction, heres a shot of the WoodyShed in its new home,(with spoty still hanging around,) see how much the snow had melted already? The shots of Punkys "Death Portal, Under Life" piece were just a few days latter, and I've seen cars at the golf course, really hoping to get out once more this year
So this afternoon, while bringing in coal, and firewood,(yup, I'm farm boy now!) I saw the kittens over by the frount of Mom's trailer,(right next to the pen full of little poms, who will kill them at any chance,) and it was getting dark. The trailer where they live,(for now,)is way across the yard, a long, long way for little kitties!(so I gave them a bunch of dog food, to tie them over till they get back home,(and boy, did they love it!)(and boy did the poms hate it!)(hehehehe!)and snaped this shot of 4 of them, the other two must have stayed home, with the cushy pillows and stuff.)Bunker is in the frount, cute little one! Any way, its been a long day, still lots to do, just got a new window in the bedroom, so can finish that wall now,(fun fun!) hope you all have a great week, latter DufferKev.


  1. I should think anybody would like to come and live at CommPoms farm! Great bunch of pics again. Hopefully in 2 weeks, you will be in your DufferDen and life will settle down! but can you still bring in wood and coal for me?!!

  2. Sure I'll still pack the wood'n coal, if you still make waffels every now'n then!

  3. Hey Kevin
    Great post, as always! Snow looks good. And of course, I agree, a good hoe is always handy!

    moving the camper looked like fun!
