Hey all, Remember last weeks blog...there was a picture of 4 little kittiens sitting on a hay bale, out in the frount of the trailer? Any ways weds. about 1:30 am I wake up to doors slaming and dogs barking, and my Mom running around. About then I remembered the night before, about 11:30, I had to put out the momma cat, and just thought it had been hiding in the house, for the last 4 hrs. About the time I got to the door,(bleary eyed of course,) my mom was coming back in...with a little kitty in her arms,(one of the ones we'll likely keep,)she had saved it from the wild poms in the dog yard. Seems the momma cat was bringing the babies to my moms doggie door,(in her bedroom,)to get them near people, I guess.(I mean I dont speak kitty you know!) So one was already inside, and the one my mom saved, so thats only two, no problem I'll just take em back in the morning. Mom gets them some food and water, a little litter box, and we go back to bed. I wake up in the morning, and theres now four kitties in my room! About an hour latter I hear the out side dogs going nuts again, and sure enough, kitty #five is out on the hay bale, waiting to be rescued, and brought into the warm, fun house! #six I had to go get,(I lured it from its hiding hole in the wall of the other trailer, by offering my fingers as bait!)it made more sence to bring one here, then five to there. I now have all six of them,(plus the momma cat when ever she shows up,) and let me tell you...if ever your down, take six kittens and call me in the morning! Crazy, phyco little beasties! It would be hard to be sad with six little kitties playing on/around you!
So after the first morning, my slippers were across the room, and I suspected the kitties of course,(as my couch demon was left in Vancouver,) and I knew they were playing with them, so I left them out and snaped some shots of them. So lets have a contest...pick your favorite cute kitty in the slipper...and GO!
Ok first we have Mulligan, wareing the latest in the walmart slipper...and again with the off the shoulder look! very sheik.
Next we have Hazzard, also sporting the walmart slipper...and an action shot, cought in mid attack, watch out happless victom...your in hazzard!
Now a rare glimps of Grey Ghost, soon to vanish once again into the mist, enjoy the elegonce while you can...farewell ghosty, farewell!
Back once more, the most photographed kitty of all six, Bunker Kat! Today Bunker is showing off a slinky little slipper, from the walmart bargin line, and of course showing off those stunning blue eyes too...very nice Bunker, very nice!
And finally ladies and dudes, we have Divit, now Divit was aptly named, as its the only one who consistently leaves holes in me! hahaha...but really, Divit is seen here lounging in the comfortable, evening slipper, avaible now form your local walmart, and for those stiff upper lip, nights out, the slipper converts well for an night out on the town...not appearing in this fashin show was little Stripe Face Kat, who apperently dosent care for the slipper, but heres a shot of the after show party, when Stripe Face found out Bunker was dressed the same...I think it might have ruined the night for all! It was hard to break them up, as the secerity could not tell where one kitty started and the other ended, so saddly both had to be satdated.
Ok, did you pick your favorite? tough choice I know, but any help you could give would be great. On to the next problem, for many years now, kitty ranchers have been strugleling with the issue of getting the kitties to market, whats the best mode of transporting a frisky little fuzz ball to the auction? you tell me...If you can get it loaded, cruisin on the back of a big duelly pick up would do, heres Bunker showing us how.
The Banner shot is of the entire clan, with poor momma cat on the bottem, I think she was just trying to get a nap, and they all mauled her, sucked the poor thing dry in seconds! you think bountys super absorbent? its got nothing on six thirsty kitties. The next shot is of all the kittens, except Bunker Kat,(must have been off on another photo shoot, or something,) Hazzard has taken to sleeping on me, and meowing to be picked up, its soo cute, I almost forget the hellion it really is. Hazzy is the one who walks up to the dogs, and goes for a swipe! I'm not kidding, the others retreat, but not Haz, its crazy how the names worked out, the cats personality is starting to match the names I gave them before, weird! Well thats it for this edition of the Kat-Man-Do Express, Weekly, and just so you know, none of the photos were set up, or faked in any way, I just set toys out, and waited,(for about 2secs.) then shot away over the last two nights. No kitties were harmed in any of the previous documantation,(although my toes are getting sore, I dont move them much at all, it dosent matter, I think they've got a taste for my blood, oh well, its all for the betterment of mankind, right? If any of you are worried these cats will grow up indoor wussy cats, with no hunting skills, fear not, after watching them attack each other for the last few days, I know they'll do alright, plus the momma cat has started bringing in mice for them to eat! Its kind of funny to watch, one kitty will have the mouse like half down, and any other kitty who comes too close, get a very nasty growl, from a little kitty with a half mouse stuffed down its throught! Tonight Mulligan got a big mouse, and after it was down, Mulli just lays down, and any time a nother kitty bumps into it, it gave a sad little growl, and went back to sleep, mouse over load! Now some one tell me how a skinny little momma cat, can catch like 4-5mice a night, bring them through a doggie door,(past my sleeping mom!)walk past two inside dogs, and jump a 3 foot fence, all without dropping the mouse! Well its time to sleep, the ankle biters are sleeping for the moment, so should get some sleep while I can! Bunker, Grey Ghost, and Hazzard, are sleeping on my feet right now, so will try to slip out from under them with out waking them up, I think they dream of war, chaos, and biting my ankles! Have a great week, Latter ScratchPostKev!