Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Alberta Bound pt.1a

Hey all, just a quick mid-week blog to include a picture I forgot to stick in the last one! This is the aftermath of my on the way golf game at Newlands golf and country club, Chris on the left, Brad in the middle, and me on the right,(note the extreme "Bleary Eyes") After I had posted my last blog, I read it. Batchelor tip today would be: proof read first! espesally when your in a hurry! During my discription of my "Bums Bed" I had forgotten the word "Blanket" after the word "Mexican" so it read like I was sleeping on a mexican,(this might have been warmer, but was NOT my intent!)so if anyone happend to read it, with in the first 5min. of my posting, my it agian, its fixed now! This remineds me of a story from high school, when the Band "Kingdom Come" went to release it's album titled "In you face!" some how the the press/store info. pack was miss labled, and the comma, or dash, was missing or missplaced so the band name was thought th be "Kingdom" and the album title was thought to be "Come in your face!" oooppps! the unfunny part,(for them, I think its all funny!)was that the Wall-Mart chain refused to carry the album. So there you go, two good examples of why to proof read! Any ways, new place so lots to do, hope to golf soon, and will finish the Alberta Bound tale soon. More fun, more intrege, more monster energy drinks! Latter DufferKev


  1. Yeah, I've read some blogs that say "there are 3 or 4 mistakes in every post, just for people who like to be critical"!

  2. And I read the blog and knew what you were trying to say and totally missed you sleeping on a Mexican! It's great to have you close again even if the trip was long and expensive.

  3. Well...I could think of a lot worse things to be sleeping on, like I said, it would have been warmer...oh well...maybe next time!
