Well in case you havent guessed it allready, yes I'm still alive!(they say fat, drunk and stupid is NO way to get through life, I say, throw in lazy, and your already half way to death, witch is after all, through life!)(see I spent this time off in deep metotative thought,)(LAZY!)
This is really about wanting to take a picture of this real cool icicle thingy growing from my roof, then realizing my camera was totaly dead, and wondering when the last time I took a picture was?(best est. some time in july!) So after juicing up the batteries, I down loaded 5 blogs worth of pic's!(not to worry, I'll just skim through the last 6 months, it'll be painless and over soon, just like...)(ahhh, maybe I'll tell you that one latter!)(hehehe) Any who, lets jump in!
I sort of started this yesterday,(my B-Day,) so I'll carry that theme over for the start. I guess dooms day may be over stating things a bit but,(brace you selfs!) I'm no longer at the golf course! Well no one is, it's under like 4 feet of snow! So you can grasp the whole happy dooms day theme.(acually I now work for Black Earth,(it sounds better with a little echo, like Blackkkkk Earrrtthhhh!,) (see how much better that sounds?)(can you see sounds?)remember many months, but only a few blogs ago, when I reported the large black pile, and several building suspected of being a third world bomb factory? Well...thats where I work now. Not actually there, but in the new plant, in the industral park, on the outskrits of Ryley!)(and its NOT a bomb factory)(its a Humilite factory)(?)(O.k. I know its for the ground to help stuff grow better, and I know its the layer above the coal seam, and I know we dry and crush the stuff but the how's and the whys...?)(?)(as you can see my never ending seach for knowlage has led me nowhere!)
I'd like to say my birthday was spent like homer, even the sour, mostly naked one!, but right now I'm on the ever refeshing 6am to 2:30pm shift, so my birthday was video games, + beer,=try to get to sleep by 9!(boy us 42 year olds really know how to party!) I'd like to take this time to apologize to my mother once agien for my black socks, for you see humilite powder gets into the fabric weave, then gets ground into the floor, and/or the socks.(she pre-soaks in a jar, but won't go the extra inch of throwing a couple of golf balls in there and jiffy-socking the sucker!)(you know I got the spare balls!) But lets not ponder the here's and now's, when I must still tell you of the there's and then's!
I think this lady is one of the most gifted people I mave have ever seen in my mid-life! I meen, WoW! If only she could bust-a-smile!(she must be taking them all to her husband, no strudle for her tonight!)(hehehe!)
My brother Carlin, got back to Alberta, from a top secret, inter-provincal, covert assinment,(ah...shit, I've said too much, now wheres that pill?...oh well, good thing no one reads this, I mean heres his picture and everthing!) Any who...He got a cool car! A V-6 Porche!(the perfect car for a land of ice and snow!)(but thats here and now...Not there and then! There and then was hot and humid summer time! Think back fondly to that time, and remember it well, all that is except for the mosquitoes! Remember them not, for there is a special level of hell resereved for those evil, blood thirsty, little sons of a mother-less goat!) He got me a card for my b-day, that reminded me of this Simpsons, where grampa Abe, and Jasper were stoned from Homers hippie love root juice. "We are SO old! hehehehe"
Back to the warm, there and then, this was the 100th bith-day of the town of Ryley!(so now I'm not sooo old!) And there was a parade. This is one of those skim over spots, and these are but a few of the many shots of the parade that was literally longer then the route.(2x longer then main street!)
I like this old truck, it looks like the one that was down the creek, with trees growing through it, by the old place, back when I kid, except it was a 47, not a 50, I think and also a GM, to my rememberings.
This is the oldest(and newest...just kidding, see next.)(ed)Ryley fire truck. I like the tires, they'ed look cool on my crusier!
This is the new Ryley fire truck, donated from CleanHarbours!(the place my Mom works at, remember the mean place that won't let her do personal e-mailing/blog reading at work? yeah, those guys gave the town a new fire truck, just to let them store all their toxic waste here, cool.(see the little seagull and waves? cause its CleanHarbours!)
And this is just a cool car...Betcha he wasn't expecting the pot holes!
Now to the reason I went to the parade, the then and there bosses. The Dodd's coal mine float had a part on the back with a little putting green and flag. They also were handing out golf balls to the crowd.(not whipping them out like doughnuts, or puppies...what? their soft right? oh, yeah, the petaphiles! I forgot, see I'm out of pratice!)So the night before I said I'd heckle them till I got a ball, so they just gave me one, kind of took the fun out of it though! This last shot is of my boss Jason, trying his best to look like Bill Murry from CaddyShack.(I'm glad he told me thats what he was goin for!)
The mower he's on is the loner I got to drive for a while, it was fun! almost too much so. Next spring the real ones will come, this year we had lots of differnt demos come and go. One had a 8 ft. cut swath,(that wide it is call a swath!)with 5 of those whirly, old timey, spinner type blades on it.(you know the ones I mean, like the rusty one, in the weeds out back.) I still feel bad for the little frogs I mowed over, they always jumped towards the tall grass, and away from safety! how terrorfing those 5 screaming vortexes of doom must have been for them!(see petas, I do feel for the little critters!) And now a shot of my two faverite rides with a D-6 beside for size comparisin. Note how clean they all are, and how soupy the parking lot is!(no fun that day!)
This is a shot of hole one, see the natural looking ponds? My friend Dale dug them from nothing, cool huh? This hole looks a lot differnt now, and not just the snow, we got to work a lot on the shaping, the other guys burmed-n-bunkerd, and the whole area was hydro-seeded before the really deep and long lasting snow hit.(going to be soooo green next spring! I can't wait.) The other shot is of hole six, also known as the dream hole, because thats where the whole idea of the golf course took shape. I mowed the stripies in the tee boxes, don't look too hard the ones on the left are crooked!
Also way back in the summer I was doing Lyn's cabin's ceiling, and I finished it. I love the way it turned out. With all the wierd angles and uneven every-things, I didn't alway's love the challange, but I really think it worked out.
O.K. time for a tip on finishing your last panel coverd wall of your 42yr. old trailer. If you choose to do it in a nice light\dark, good/evil, natual\stained, sunrise/sunset, mottif, as I have done, then just enjoy the laquer buzz, like young homer here. I laquerd it every morning for four daze straight, then went to work on my big wheeled truck, hehehe.(who said work should suck!)
p.s. oh yeah, I never did take that icicle shot!