Later on in the week,(after recoperating for a few days by going to work,) on a snowy thursday, I decided to go golfing! Yes I had golf!(real golf, not just some backyard delusion.) Of course after I decided to go golfing, it started to snow. The snow lasted most of the day, but was melting faster then it was falling, and being sucked into the thirsty soil just as fast. So in a breif patch of sun, I loaded up my bag and was off.(forgot my new glove in my old pratice bag, glad I didn't throw out the old crappy one yet...I still haven't put the new one in my bag yet, probaly forget it for the next game too...sad.)(Just so you know I havent given up all hope, I might still remember it you know.)(Like maybe I'll put it in my shoe tonight, so then I remember to put it in my bag tomorrow...mmmm...if only my shoes weren't sooooo far away, ah, I'll just remember it latter.)(Oh God, I'm doomed, I might as well just throw the new glove away and get use to the crappy old one, with bright orange paint on it from my gopher golf course, and the big hole where the palm use to where the hell was I going with this agien?...) On my way to Toefield golf course,(with new driving range,)(or new since I've been there last anyways,)it
snowed on me agien, but after I turned onto the hiway the sky lighted and I saw no more moister for the rest of the day! Tofield golf course,(see map on right,) is a medium 9 hole trek, a good first effort after the long cold winter,(of our discontent!) No cars in the parking lot, but the gates were open, so I went in. No one inside, but a put-the-money-in-the-slot-box, was there, so I did. I walked slowly to the first tee, giving someone plenty of time to tell me to go away, no one did. First drive was worth the $15 I shoved into the box! Sweet! Ball in the middle of the fairway, no one around to slow me down, no rain for the moment, days of gopher golf pratice for just this shot. Confidently I strode up to my ball, well inside the hundred yard marker, and hit it short of the green. Oh well, I use to be good at the short chips,(thats what happens when you always miss the greens!) I skulled it! It shot 20ft passed the green! All night long my chips had no feel, by the end I was playing one ball till I got close to a green, then chiping three! The greens needed more watering or rain or somthing, quite brown for greens! It took me till hole 5 to get the speed o.k. on the greens, and I consitently two putted after that. Hole 2 had a
beautiful drive as well, followed by a medicore wedge shot, and a scary chip. For the first time I noticed two kids ahead of me, it was o.k., they let me pass by hole 4. Hole three, I lost a ball, then, found a ball, so still even. Hole 4 was a good learning experince, I hit a lovely 3 wood to almost right where I wanted it! My three wood as been very inconsistent over the years, so it would be great to love it agien! Hole 5 was a real score for me. My first shot went into the mud bank of the creek, so I hit another.(praise be the mulligan!) While I was getting my first ball out of the mud,(I'm cheap, remember!)
I found 5 more! Then went to my second shot. Now heres where it gets hazey. Either I lost my second shot, and found another ball,(2lost and 7found,)or I hit my second a lot farther.(1lost and 6found.) Since I hadn't botherd to look at my second ball...I guess we'll never know! Above is a shot of the hole 5 sign. I didn't take this one, too bad, that would have been cool to see! I realilize by now, that I was getting tired. Sadly the months of not walking a course were starting to show. Bad drive on hole 6, lost it to the right on hole 7.(almost wish I hadn't found it! had to hack it out of some bush thing.) Blocked it to
the left on the par 3, 8th. Hole 9! And not a moment too soon! Please don't get me wrong, I was loven it out there, but was getting tired and sloppy. (ie, dug the toe of my driver into the tee box, thus leaving the face open, and hitting it about 45 yards off to the right!) Now I'm behind the trees, greens(browns)over thatta way somewhere, so I'm thinking about chopping it over the trees.(or just chopping the trees by this point!) So as my ball goes screaming over the trees,(well off target!)I notice for the first time, the two kids who let me pass on hole 4, are being picked up
by thier dad. Great, entire empty course, and I'm gonna hit some one! I slulk around the trees, thankful my ball dosent have my name on it, and am relived to find my ball just in front of a pond I never knew was there, and 20 some feet short of the child retreival action in the parking lot!
All in all a great time was had by all,(me!)and I'm planning to go agien soon. Hopefully before I go back to finish Lyns ceiling this next weekend.
You may be wondering about the mulitpule head shots.(not the first time I've taken multipule
head shots!) Well if I've learned nothing about people,(and believe you me, I've tried, to learn nothing about people that is,)its that they like to vote on stuff. You know, let the common voice be heard, and all that good stuff. So send in your votes, help pick the least repulsive hair doo!(polls open to the citizens of this planet only, vote as many times as you like, a handleing fee of $4.95 will be charged per registerd vote, polls open till midnight Jan.01 2072, please note all votes will be estimated and your vote may not actualy count,
I retain total "veto" power!, also the top knot may not work after I'm in my 80's but then agien nothing else will either!)
First two shots are just fresh from the beauty salon. I had told the nice lady,(whos name escapes me at the moment, but don't worry, I still remember yours!)I was planning to grow my longer part till I could make a top knot! Well she seamed to take this as a challenge, and in no time flat had me knotted! Still to short for a good one though.
Next two are from the same night, just took the scrunchie out and gave the old head a good shake.(more then three shakes,... and your likely to get brain damage!) I like the velcro effect of the freshly shaven stubble
and the longer hair.
Lastly we have what I'll call the "slick willy",(now would you buy a used car from this guy?) And before you tell me, I know its crooked, I was wearing a hat all day. So be sure to cast you votes often, after of course reading the above disclaimer.
Well thats enough for this time, tune in next week for the anatomy of a stream, a before water documentory of Coal Creek's feature water works! Till then, this has been DufferKev, signing off!