Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Don't Pinch the Dream'n Boy!

Hey, Hey! Everybody!(anybody?) First off let me say this blog will not be about kitties! That being said, heres a shot of three, one day old kitties. The mother is young and clue-less, the little grey one was on the cold cement floor, having fallen from the chair the mother had them on.(I don't actually know if she had them on the chair,(like had them had them?) but that morning they where on the chair, mostly.) Sadly, by the next morning there was only one. The mother cats mother,(from now on to be referd to as gramma cat,)has taken over the mothering of the last one. It has been hiding in a pile of boxes, warm, dry, and safe from the every day perils of being a shop cat! This shop is at my new job!(my dream job,) Last may,(my, how the last year has just slipped by!)just before my first blog, I went to Kelona for a Mothers day visit with my then estranged(?) mother and brother. One thing led to another, and we all come back up here for a visit.(now we all sort of live here, and are no longer estranged!)(stranged, yes, estranged, no!) Now on one of our many tours of the rual niebourhood,(cows in da hood,) my Mom took us by a under constuction golf course called Coal Creek. At the time she had commented how cool it would be to move home, and get a job building that course!(and I thought, yeah right, move out into the sticks, give up winter golf, suffer through the cold, live in a old dog trailer,(life is funny isnt it?) and why would they hire me anyways?) So long story short, as I'm raking doggie doo off of Lyns lawn,(hi Lyn!)I get a phone call from Coal Creek, asking if I can be there in the morning to talk about work. And something or other about "rock truck". I hang up,(or press "End" button,)thinking about following a truck picking up rocks. Tuesday morning comes around, and I head over to the golf course,(about 8 miles!)(when I was working in north Edmonton, my round trip was 271km!)(each day!)and get the "insiders" tour. Its going to be a great course, and I was excited about the chance to help build it.(then maybe work there, like cutting grass, when it was done.) I'm told what they need is a rock truck driver. So I tell him I've driven 1 tons, and 5 tons, grain trucks when I was like 12! He tells me this will be a little bigger, and takes me around the side of the building...And there is a truck the size of a house! Ever play with the Tonkas when you were young?(we had home made stuff, made from wood, and old licence plates!)(true story.) Well I kind of went off in a daze of pre-pubence wunderment! Then I hear, "Climb up, and check it out, tomorrow you can take a spin to get use to it, then off to work!"then somthing about sorry the antenas broke, so you'll only have xfm!(I think more time was used explaning the satellite radio system, then the truck.)(But to be fair, the radio probaly has more buttons the the truck!)

So now I go to a golf course every day, and drive the biggest truck I've ever seen.(and paid $1 more per hour then my last painting job! For gods sake man! don't pinch the dream'n boy!)

These two shots are from day number two, just to show a little size scale, feels sooo wierd to drive the blazer home now, feels too small!(and when I got it, it felt so big compared to the wabbit. Oh, the wabbit, I have this recurring day dream, where I back over the wabbit with this truck!) On the left is what my rock truck would have looked like new...its not so shiny now. I forgot my camera on the first day. Too bad to, cause one of the neat things about these trucks is, the frame is not soild. What I mean by that is, right behind the cab,(about 4 feet behind me when I drive,)is the piviot point. If you are sitting still, and you turn the steering wheel, the front of the truck stays still, but the back end moves about 6feet either way! Because of the "piviot-in-the-middle-lika-city-bus" effect, you can have an extremly tight turning radius! Just behind the piviot is another feature of the un-stiff frame. The back half will tilt left or right independently of the cab. This means if you back up onto a pile to dump,(it seems wrong somehow to use the words pile and dump in the same sentence, and then have no punch line!)and keeping the cab totally level, completely tip the back half of the truck!(I mean right on its side! two wheels up and two wheels down!(and two more right level on the ground!)and me inside, looking like that guy on tv, who drove too close to the sink hole. You know the one, with the "ooops" look on his face, like I wish I hadn't just done that!) I guess it happens. The track-hoe came over and tipped the back half up-right agien, and away I went. At lunch break I drove back to the shop for a 15min. repair to the exuast system. Seem like it was designed to break away in a tip over. So now I know how far is too far. How lucky to learn that on my first day! The other driver has never done that, so he's only guessing how far is too far. Me, I know!
I've thrown in some shots taken from my point of view, out the windows of my "office". The first shot is out towards holes one and two,(see included map at bottom of page, or check out thier website at hey cool! it changed colour! I guess that means I got the jabs-n-slashes right! anyways, please do check out the website, lots of cool pics of the course under construction. Plus lots of history of the coal mine and equipment!) Then a shot out my left window towards the trird green, of the D6 cat,(trying to smooth our road, good luck!)and the other truck,(only one serial number differnt from mine, but I like mine better!) That D6 cat looks so small when we roll by him. Its not like I don't know the crews names, I do,I just havent cleared it with them yet.(witness relocation could be anywhere/anyone!)

As we move the rather large hill of clay over towards the third green, we are really rutting up the hard packed road. Have you ever seen that ice road truckers show? Where the wave of ice is pushed up in front of the heavy truck? Thats what happens with these trucks. The earth rises in front of the tires, then squishes down into sometimes 4 ft. deep ruts. We just try to aim for the high spots, its smoother that way. Just for curiosity, I asked the track-hoe operator how much he was loading us down with. Some times we have to take off up hill, and you step on the gas pedal...and the truck slowly starts to move,(like its protesting the motion.) I was told the truck alone wieghs 30,000lbs. empty!(and I heard its like a 108 liter fuel tank, so thats gotta wiegh a bit too.)(for all the equipment I was told they go through a gas trucks worth of diesel per week,)(witch is 10,000 liters!) Oh yeah, back to the load weight, I was told 30 tons! His bucket is at least 4.5ft. to 5ft. wide, and it takes 8 giant scoops to fill each truck.(then he wacks us on the side to wake us up to go and dump,)( just kidding.)(he really only wacks us when the clay sticks in his bucket.)

Right now we are pileing the clay for the cat to form into a L shaped berm. This berm will seperate the course from the county road.(is what I've overheard in the lunch room anyways.) Some time from now we'll get to dig the creek.(he'll dig, well watch, and dump, and watch, and dump, and wat...(repeat will be necessary!)) If the creek is deep enough the coal seam will be exposed. I think that would look cool, shiny black coal, glissining in the bright alberta sun, water dancing over hundreds of scutteled golf balls, dotting the creek bed, standing out like an away fan in a home stadium,(espesilly when home loses.) It'll be easier for cheapskates like me to find our lost balls,(and not in the divorce either...)unless your playing the Nike black ball, then forget it, its just gone. Reminds me of one of my first golf memories...Back when I was beardless by nature, and not just by choice, I ended up at a teachers conference for the whole district. It was held at a local course, and how educational to see all my high school teachers get drunk! Any ways, my Mom was there and decided to stand out by playing a bright yellow ball,(back when any colour but white was rare,) and she did, right up untill she hit it into a big patch of dandylions!(ah, those were good times!)

The banner shot,(on top,) is looking towards tee #6 and hole #9. As you can see there is a mountain of coal dust in front of that building, dwarfing the D6 cat.(the little yellow blur in front of the big black shape.)(If you dont feel like scrolling up to the top agien, you can also see it on the left.) That is left over from the mine, and now some other business comes and mixes it with fertilizer or something.(for somthing, sounds like a multi purpous, third world bomb factory to me!)(or not.) I'm not sure what its for, but they take it out by the truck load, to some where.(This is the kind of informitive jouranalism you've come to expect from this blog isn't it? I know to me the internet sure lost a lot of its creditbility when I found out just any smoe(like me) with a crap-top could get on it! I mean where will it all end?)
All of these shots where taken last thursday,(my 2nd day of work,)friday was too wet to dig. So for my 3rd day as a rock truck driver...I washed walls to get them clean enough to paint,(I try to get out, but they just keep pulling me back in!) So this week we get three days in, and the rain(and some snow!) comes back with a vengence once agien. Don't tell the boss, but I would love to take the truck out in the swampy conditions, just to see how stuck I could get that monster! Hehehe!"Better get a bigget cat...Hes gone in up to the cab!" hehehe.(but we'll just keep that between us O.k.? and the squishing my old vw bit too, k?) Today was the painting day, and with the non stop rain, tomorrow will be as well. Its good to fianally get some wet, now we could use some warm! One of these sunny days I'll throw the clubs in to the Blazer, and head out to Tofield golf course.(the closest open course not in my back yard,) It's been too long since I've played for real. Its probaly a good thing its only a nine holer because I'll likely just go after work.(and I know I'm out of walking the course shape!)
These next two shots are what I look at most,(at least during the important times,)my mirrors. Strange thing about this truck is when your backing up and truning, you see nothing! As you turn the ass end swings sideways to the cab and fills your mirrors. The other side mirrors show only empty space where you've already been.(if there was somthing there, its gone now!)(hope it was a wabbit!)(hehehe!)Even strait behind is a 15ft. wide blind spot, so you just look at what will be behind you. If you time it right, by turning while you can see the spot where you want to be,(and keeping it in one of the mirrors,)you'll end up o.k. The loader gives you a good aim point, and will start dumping when your in the correct spot. Also the dozer is a good target, he likes it right in frount of his blade,(the closer the better, don't worry he'll get out of the way!)The first day he confused the hell out of me with some vage hand gestors, and sweeping arm motions. Finally I just jumped down,(well I took the first two steps then jumped down, I'm not as young as I used to be you know!)and asked him just where he wanted it. Its better to ask then dump 30 tons in the wrong spot!
I hope it rains it self out this week end, I want to re-retire from painting. Tomorrow(friday!)I'll finish the new office/storage room/litter box area, that used to be the coal truck weigh station, as well as the new lunch room, that used to be a old office.(When we where cleaning it out, we found a old record player/radio/8-track cabinet that had to have been there since 1975! Judging from the wide assortment of classic discoish titles.)

This last shot is of the last load of the day. Just a load of rocks found in amonst the clay. One rock was half the buckett size, or about as big across as your dinning room table, with the optional leaf! so not the kind of thing I'd want in the fairway any ways.(dont look for that rock in this picture, it must have got loaded while I was dumping.)
Bachelor tip for any day; When your feeling old, up is too far to get, and over is too far to bend. So a helpful hint is too have a rolling chair and put your beer in the door of your fridge. That way you can just roll on by and grab the handle, spin your self into a graceful stop and grab a tasty reward for being so squave!(unfortunatly for me my kitchen floor is still an inch lower then this room, so any attempt at squaveness would result in a full on face plant followed by the inevitable getting up!)
Now we come to the end of this blog, and as we talked about stuff from today, we are offically all caught up! No more will we have to play the time travel shuffle board shell game(?) No sir, now we're all on the same page. Take the time to look at the map below, if you click on it it gets bigger.(sorry guys, it only works with pictures.) This is a course I can't wait to play, even if I wasn't working there...But I Am! (HaHaHA!)(that was my happy laugh, it only sounds strange cause it hasn't been heard in a while.) Have a great week, next post in may! I've been bloggin now for almost 1 year! Latter DufferKev.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Best week EVER!

Good day all, as the title above notes, this has been one of my best weeks ever!(even though it started out with me raking doggie doo!)(but only on monday,)(hi Lyn!) Unfortunately for you, we're still on last weeks blog,(although we'll still try to make it intresting, o.k.?)(O.k.!) So this week I'll write about last week, then next week, I'll get to this week,(or I could try to slipp in a week an a half, then we'll all catch up quicker!)
The banner shot is of one of my lost, then found golf balls, remember last blog when I was telling you of my half golf game, half easter egg hunt thingy? Well I had placed three styro foam targets out in the alfalfa field behind my trailer, and started hitting balls out at them,(its been awhile you know,) Now the plan was to hit about 10 balls at the first target, then find them all, chip to within ten feet of target one, then hit all ten balls to target two. Lets just say after the long, long, cold, winter...well to be fair I can't be sure how many balls I started off I can't for sure say exactly how many I lost...but it wasn't pretty! I hit at least 12 balls, it was down to about 8 by the time I was off to the second hole, then 6. I did find most of them later, one was down a gopher hole, and as you can see from the banner, they kind of disapear! I have since refined the game,(see bottem of blogg...or better yet, just read your way down there!) and now I hit only one ball at a time, its much easier to remember witch mole hill your ball is hidden behind if you only hit one at at time.
Not sure why this pictures in here, except I'm a man,(damit!)and I think it looks cool! Saddly my fridges looks way differnt now.(yeah, a differnt brand of beer was on super sale, oh and I got two jars of pickles, plus a loaf of bread in there. Fret not, theres still plenty of room for beer.)
Well I'm sure your all wondering, my Mom and her classic country station were right. We got the snow! Unfortunately, along with the snow came 90kmph winds!(not just gusts either, it was like 4 days of 70-90kmph winds, crazy!) Its no joke to say Sask. got our snow, they did. What little snow we got was all piled next to fences, in huge drifts. The second shot is of my Moms front steps, and front doggie yard. One of her little poms ran up the snow bank, and over the other side,(to freedom!)then didn't know what to do, just kind of stood there with a dumb look on its face.(trust me, I know the feeling!)

If you notice all the black coal dust in the snow,(remember last blogg, I knew I was bringing up that dust for a reason!)that stuff really travels on a strong breeze!(in a land so windy as this, anything can be a breeze after 4 days!)
After the wind died down, we did get a bit of really wet snow, and look! green grass! this was taken in my front yard, not off gooogle. (of course now there is lots more, but lets just conentrate on last week, shall we?)

Last weekend,(see more last week stuff, this is easy if we try!) my Mom and I went to the 7th annual Log home and Cabin show, in the same place as the motor cycle show and the golf show, it may seem like I go to a lot of shows...(I guess I don't have a good answer to that one.) Any ways, this was a good show for anyone into wood,(wood is good!) The following is a trip down some of my favorite stuff there.
Shot number one; This one is of my Mom, sitting on a cool bench, with a neat draggon fly carved into it. The detail was burned into the wood. Bench, probably not confortable for too long, but left no splinters!

On to the second intresting thing. Did you know they insulate logs now? Well they do! There where three differnt examples of logs either hollowed out and insulation stuffed in, or logs split in half and sandwitched,(uuuuummmmmmm...sandwitched....)around a core of insulation. So the best of both worlds is achived!

This picture is of a mostly built log home in the center of the exibit hall.
Not much more to say about this one, I like it! Its imposing, very grandious, almost gothic.(hhhmmm, its getting windy here agien, might rain tonight, good thing we're still in last week, nice and sunny then, and hot too, 6 days in a row of over 20* , the last time that happend was in 1916, so thats nice, hold onto that then...)

This was another nice one, very symetrical. The cool thing about this one was, the inside was unfinished, what you see "through" the windows, is a sticker on the windows! Sweet! I need one of those for my truck, of a clean truck inside, or maybe a hot chick, so when I break down, maybe some one will stop for me instead of pretending to be on the phone and thinking I'm just parked looking at the dead weeds in the ditch!

Now this one I took because I really liked the double jointed hinge thing.(I'm note sure why, I know I had my reasons at the time...but...maybe it was the metal, or the medievil look about them? All I do know is if I had them, I'd pinch my fingers in there daily! Or that uncerimonial wack to the fore head when the second hindge opens when your only expecting the first! I don't know why I'd like such dangerous things, maybe I'll think about it...the next time I'm running with sicciors!

O.k., now were into the cool table section of the show, this is a piece of wood, that someone found, wiped the dirt off, varnished, stuck three(or four, I don't recall,)legs on, then tried to sell me for like 2 grand! I mean I do like the shape, and color, but I have varnish, and dirty wood so if I really had the room for such a thing, then I'd have to do it my self!

This next table is in the vain of "Punkys tree of woe"(editors note: see last Novembers Bloggs for details.) This is a upside down tree, cut flat, with a nice piece of glass, and a fat price tag to boot, don't these people realilize that people like me have more time then money, and will come to these shows to seal ideas. If I make this table, the most expencive part will be the ticket to get into the show to steal the idea to make this table,(well that and parking!)

I really like the look of this dresser, I like the differnt colors all blending together(just like those Benetton ads!...go ahead and gooogle it, its under united colors of Benetton, me its real!... ah never mind.) I dont care for all the cutsie crap on the top, or the sticks for handles, but for the over all I like it!

The bed, what can I say about the reminds me of the bed in the corner of the old hunters cabin, you know the one, where the young couple gets lost in the woods, and they stop to asks for a phone, and its like, "No man, don't go in there." But they go in any ways, and he's like chopped up right aways, and stuffed in a old gas powered frige or somthing, and shes chained to the bed for like 3 years untill she dies baring his monsterous offspring...ahhh...maybe you didn't see that movie...nice bed...very the rustic feel...oh com'on you had to have seen that movie, its on every weekend in some form or another, about 3am.

O.k. last shot from the Log cabin show, then we can get on to the "Gopher golf" segment!(for those of you who havent already skipped ahead that is.) This one I like for the "opppps" factor alone.(I mean I like it for the art reason too, and cause its very Canadian etc. but for dramatic effect, we'll focus on the "opppps" factor for now.) Like lets say Micholageo here sneezes while he chiseling(?)(chainsawing?) this little beavers nose. "Opppps" Now what? "O.K. Boys, we're gonna need you to move this wall back 2 feet agien...Sorry, my bad." Or maybe they didn't trim the ones above, so like he could just cut the broken beaver off and carve a chipmonk, scampering up the side of the house, and if that got messed up, maybe an wise old owl on the top log or somthing? Agien all the black was burned on.

All righty then, time for Gopher golf! This is for all those who are missing the "fuzzy creatures on the ground below" bit. Its been quite some times since I got a good shot of a bunny or rodent of some kind.(and this one hardly qualifies as good, but gophers are a lot harder to shoot then some semi-tame course bunny, probaly cause they get shot at for real or somthing.)

I decided I needed some flags for my back yard "course", you know to make it feel more real. Hitting to a vague target over there some where, was just not cutting it. So in my DIY style, I made some flags. The bodies are straping and the flags are Tyvek home wrap,(I had a home rap once, my DJ got drive by'ed with a nail gun from a white cube van!)(sorry, it was funny in my head.) held on with that red tape stuff. I think after the flags are lost in the next area tornado, the red tape will still be fine. Great stuff, I should have made the whole flag out of it, but its hard to paint! Speaking of paint, I went with the ground marker orange, to bad it was almost empty, but the black stripes cover the gaps nicely.

Remember a while back, when Punky was pulling the old boat behind his pickup? Well after the boat was totaled, some how it ended up behind our place. Now enter the crazy wind phaze, and the boat is out in my course! Must have flew over 65 feet! So now instead of a water hazard, well you get the idea.
One of the cool features about the Tyvek flags is like on the moon, they stand stiff, even with no breeze.(when is there no breeze here?) So the stripy flag is tee box #1 and hole #3 all in one. I just play one ball at a time now, and the last time I was out, with my Mom,(she said she shot a 12, but with no score card, its hard to tell if thats a good round or not.) I found 2 extra balls on the first hole!(only problem is with no one else playing the course, the lost balls were mine to begin with, even my Mom would'nt lost a couple for me to find.)
I has named this sport gopher golf, and I really hope it helps my short game. If nothing else, I should be good from the rough!(the really, really rough, rough that is.)

If there must be a tip for today, let it be this. Let the industrial orange spray paint dry for at least a while longer before you try to jam the flags into the hard, hard ground. O.k., thats it for last week, cant wait for the next weeks blog to tell you about this week! Hope you have a great one, Later, DufferKev.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 has SPRUNG!!?

Well hello any one still there? Seams like just last week I was writing one of these, but turns out it was Jan. 23, WoW! where does the time go?(keep reading and you'll find out where some of my time went!)

Speaking of time, its spring time!(although my Mom, and the radio,(her station, not mine!)keep saying its still going to snow this weekend...I,(and my station,)hope only for a good rain. We sure could use a good long rain, the snows barly melted and already the fire ban is on. This spring feels better then my last 20 or so have. The differnts being, in Vancouver, the winter rain changes to a nice warm spring rain, and after a few beers, and the front nine at your favorite don't even know(care)its raining! This year, the snow,(and angry guards,)have kept me off the courses all together, but now spring is here!(HA Ha) The wintery inches of snow melting away to reviel...dead, brown, dried up stuff every where!(we need rain, rain=green, green=golf, golf=sane kev!)

The shot on the left is Febuary,(I think...)and the one on the right is today, not enough snow in the left for there to be any green in the right! But I sure am enjoying the big blue sunny Alberta skies!

Is every body ready for the masters? It'll be nice for people to be talking about Tigers other wood for a change!(he he he...I've been saving that one for awhile now.) Its sad that in all this, no one has given any thought to the little one, life in turmiol, athority figures at each others throats, total house hold chaos, millions lost in future endorsments...but you know I gotta belive Frank will be ok, you know once hes out there, amonst his adoreing fans, fuzzy little Frank will be his old self once agien!(I know thats what I'll be watching for this weekend.) I even heard that Frank would leave Tigers bag if he didn't stop his carousing, but Im not into you didn't hear it here first!

Now, for your review, a montage of beard. These next few shots are for those of you who either havent seen me for awhile, or have for some phycological reason been blocking out my image,(nice try...but I got through!)
While you puruse this gallary of the beard in all its glory, I'll tell you about the shelf full of crap that I moved across the mountins, just to have to build a shelf for collect local dust!(some of the local dust has coal in it, why I bring that up now is a mystery even to me.) On this shelf of crap,(see top banner,) I have a brassish figurine of a Ben Hogan sort of guy, a p-47 thunderbolt, with retractable undercarrage, and detchable bombs! A Todd Bertuzzi bobble head, complete with simulated beard,(or is that coal dust?) My electronic "wax melter", next to that is my capt. Spallding bobble head, from the Rob Zombie classic "house of a thousand corpses" Then a nice big(old)bottle of Fiddlers Elbow,(may not even be drinkable any more, but I'm sure some cold winters night,(this weekend?)I'll resort to it. Next is Finn, cunucks mascot, I know I'm not there any more, but I'll still cheer for the nucks come play offs!(with no Alberta choice of course!) Next on the tour, is my scales of dissapointment,(reads about 7 right now), the Increable Hulk, and another as yet untapped source of desperation beer, Hobgoblin, a sneaky beer, kind of creaps up on you. Now we come to Buddy Christ, I had him for like 3 years before I even knew it was from a movie, I just thought,"He he, thats sacralisious!" Then another "wax melter"(just incase the first one breaks I guess.) Next is a stuffed golfer bear,(fuzzy putter, its just fun to say!)and Fozzie Bear dressed as an all star goalie,(thank you very much mcdonalds, they allways know what the world needs!) have you had enough yet? started skimming ahead to see when this dribble ends? don't blame you one bit. Any ways, next is my Jason bobble head, from the classic Freddy vs. Jason. Not making the banner,(as my shelf is wider then my lens,) is a figurine of lt. comander Data, a small, indoor, styrofoam, radio controlled helicopter, an aluminum beer bottle of Kick from Molsons, the only beer I've heard of with caffine! what a fine idea for those early tee times! Saddly, like most of my favorites, this was a limited time offer.(only because you people didn't buy it, Im only one man, they couldn't keep making it just for me you know.) (Really I drank as much as I could.) (I think I did more then my bit on this, its your fault, there I've said it...probably your fault they canceled the McRibs too! ok, ok, I've said my piece, back to the boring tour.) Last item(of note)on the shelf of crap, is a large golf ball full of scotch whiskey. There are small planes and beer glasses but really thats it! whew!
So have you had enough time to soak in the beard? Do you have that image of me ingrained in your long term memory? Good, now forget it, because this is what I look like now!(like right now, same shirt and every thing.)

Even with no beard, still the same bleary eyed, 10am rockstar(wannabe)vacant look on my face, so next shot I tried opening my eyes wider, and now we have the"Oh I just stepped in my own bear trap!"look. At least with the beard there was some distraction going on, now just balding dumpy guy...
So you may ask what could have brought down such a mighty beard? a job. You remember last blog I said it was time to get back to work? Well it took a lot longer to get a job then I had thought, then when I had the job there was no energy left for the blog. Seams my resume needed work,(like me!) so my Mom punched it up a little,(when She was through with it I even needed a staple!)and some how made my lack of direction seam like a renaissonce man, instead of a multy facetted tool. And I scored a job! Now that you wrapped your brain around that one, and are used to that idea...I have no job any more. The only thing the boss and I agreed on was that I should not work there any more!(one of us had to go, and he had seinority...stupid pollitics!) So now I have no job, and no beard! Feel like a snake with a broken leg! I keep stroking the empty air in front of my face. Oh well, at least I stayed employed long enough for two checks, that should tie me over till a Good job comes my way
Now that I have some free time and some money, I'll start working on my house agien. Some things I need, some things I'll do with out. Like curtins, time to dig out the Bacheler tip of the week, if like me your newly renovated home has no place for the old, mouse peed on curtins, so carfully thrown into a heap 4 months earlier, and a window in your computer game room facing the sun, then, my friend, what you need is a slightly stained, spiderman beach towel!(and when the sun shines trough it, it looks just like one of those fancy back lite art thingy's! be the envy of your compound, be the first on your country block to have one of these handy devices! It keeps out sun, scares away common criminals,(and house flies!)and is guaranteed to keep you feeling least till dark, then sadly, your on your own.
Well have plenty more to tell, but it'll have to wait till next week,(like my new game, part golf, part easter egg hunt!) yes, I plan to blog in a week instead of 3 months, so I hope you all have a good one, and may golf be with you...amen!(sacralisious agien!) Latter DufferKev.